【同义词辨析】 2018-08-06 女人female-ladylike

female: applies to plants and animals as well as persons and stresses the fact of sex: the more numerous ~ births as compared to male.

feminine: applies to qualities or attributes or attitudes characteristic of women and not shared by men: a ~ approach to a problem.

womanly: suggests the qualities of the mature woman, especially those qualities that make her effective as wife and mother or indicate the absence of mannish qualities: possessed all the ~ virtues.

womanlike: is more likely to suggest characteristically feminine faults and foibles: displayed a ~ rage at the slight.

womanish: is often used derogatorily in situations in which manliness might be naturally expected: shed ~ tears at his loss.   (mannish2n, womanish只有1)

effeminate: emphasizes the softer and more delicate aspects of womanly nature and in its usual applications to men implies lack of virility or masculinity: a country grown weak and ~ on its wealth.

ladylike: suggests decorous propriety: all three were ~ and well brought-up girls. (lady女士淑女: 身分高, 有教养, 气质好的女子。)

female女性: 强调性别事实,可用于动植物,feminine女性的、柔和的: 女性的和男性不同的特征或态度,womanly女人的: 多指成熟女性的优点胜任(effective)妻子母亲,womanlike女人似的: 多指女性的缺点小毛病,womanish也是女人似的: 多贬义,表示本希望男性特质,effeminate柔弱的: 形容女性柔和细腻(delicate精致脆弱,这里译成细腻),常表示男人缺乏阳刚强壮,ladylike淑女: 礼仪得体(decorous符合礼仪规范,propriety自行规定的礼仪)


         2)女人的意思是有女性特征mean of, characteristic of, or like a female, especially of the human species.